Ich Inventory Sindh

ICH Inventory Sindh

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Project Report

Following is the link to access Project report; submitted to UNESCO (Islamabad) by the project partners (HC-DAPNED). The report includes a comprehensive summary of Community Based Inventorying in Tharparkar (2022); including Background, Fieldwork Methodology and CBI Forms.

Download Here

Training Workshop Summary

Following is the link to report on Training Workshops, for the communities in Mithi, Nagarparkar and their outskirts; conducted by the Project Consultant in collaboration with the Project Partners.


Following is the bibliography of available literary and visual resources (Books, News & Magazine Articles, Online Articles and Videos); compiled by the Project Partner (HC-DAPNED) for references.

Community Resource Personnel

Following is the link to list of Identified Resource Personnel, belonging to various communities in Tharparkar.